Saturday, March 17, 2012

Brisbane--Super Retail Group(SRG)

Super Retail Group is the first company we visited after arriving Brisbane. At that day, I got up at around 5.30am in the morning, and met other MMSP members in the airport. everyong seems excited about the trip but look so tired, as some of our group members just came back Melbourne from their home countries. I can imagine it will be a super tired trip for all of us, but full of fun and marketing knowledge!! 

after one and half hours' flight, we arrived Brisbane, a beautiful and peaceful city. After we dropped our luggages in hotel, we started our first company visit--super retail group. There are some points that I get from super retail group during the presenation:
  • SRG selects their communication channels according to the ways customers searching product information and the ways they shop.
  • Communication streams became fragmented
  • Customers right now are:
  1. Empowered
  2. Have and expect different choices
  3. Are shopping in their ways
  4. SRG speak to customers on their terms, must be relevant.
  • SRG are building capabilities that are focused on:
  1. Providing customers with the ease to shop the way they want, when they want.
  2. Building engagement both online and in-store
  3. Building relevancy and personalisation into marketing and communications through CRM
  4. Provide mass/niche solutions
  5. Linking like minded people through clubs and social media
  • Future integrated multichannel model:
  1. SRG intended to stimulate customers to generate ideas via social media, blogs, magazines, TV, radio, EDM, Web.
  2. As a result of using different communication channels, customers can purchase from SRG via in-store and online.
  3. All these communication channels allow SRG to track customers through tablet, PC and smart phone. Through PC customer have choice to buy online through their website. On the other hand, customers can search information about SRG through smart phone and tablet.
  • Doing online research customers can:
  1. Review prices
  2. Comparisons of site
  3. Nearest Store location
  • Purchase channels in SRG:
  1. Buy in store, take home
  2. Special order                      
  3. Buy from store, deliver to home
  4. Buy online, pick up in store
  5. Buy online, deliver home
  6. Online deliver from overseas
  7. Online deliver from vendors
  • Multiple choices of payment methods:
Credit card, paypass, phone, EFIPOS, Cash
  • Get feedback through:
Survey, web chat, text, email, call centre, personal.
  • SRG offers EDM to targeted customer through CRM system: discount messages sent to customer email address.
ROMI: $561.53
Sales: $16846
Cost of campaign: $30

We spent three days in Brisbane, went to bridge, parks, casino, lots of fun!! The thing i want to mentioned--me and David won 10 dollars in Casino, that was my first time to go gambling and first time to earn money from there!! lol

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