We got up at 5 am on the second day in Brisbane, heading to Brismark which is a fruit and vegetable wholesale company that provides space for farmers and retailers to sell thier products.
- In Brisbane Market, price set by supply and demand. Price simply set by customer; they tell Brismark what to charge.
- Quality is a critical issue Brisbane, as customers compare the quality of fruit and vege of Brismark with other competitors.
- Keeping good relationship with customers, understanding what customers need, developing trust with customers are key to Brismarket.
- Customers buy fruit and vege based on instincts, their attitude, perception toward the products are really important for successful sales.
- Brismark thinks consistency of the product is one way of keeping consumer repurchase the products.
- Therefore, quality control is vital for Brismark by carefully select fruit and veges from trees and farms.
- At the retail level:
- Brismark assumed consumers know what they want, for both consumers and Brisbane, time is money, fully understanding of what consumers want can make save time for them.
- Most of transactions in Brisbane come from word of mouth and referrals, therefore, sellers often communicate with customers face-to-face, advertisings often depends on word of mouth.
- Business plan is important for BrisMark, it helps Brismark looking forward, predict the trend of consumers demand.
- Retailers have to make sure customers take the products home, back up the products so that customers will tell what they really prefer and what they really want.
- Researching and survey are also important for Brismark, for the reason of easier to control and know the price.
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